Legionella Testing: Why Its Important

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Legionella is a bacterium found in natural aquatic environments and potting mixes. This bacterium causes Legionnaires’ disease, which can be very dangerous and even fatal in some cases. It causes an infection that may lead to pneumonia or lung inflammation. As the YouTube video highlights, testing for the bacteria in your water supply is crucial to prevent illnesses. The question is: how do you test for it, and how often should tests be done?

Legionella Testing Facts

Legionella testing services are crucial to prevent an outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease. Property owners who rent have a legal responsibility to ensure the safety of their tenants.

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In addition, if you’re a business owner, you are legally obligated to test for Legionella in your water system.

So, how frequently would you test? Well, with smaller buildings with a lower risk of an outbreak, the rule of thumb is usually once every two years. However, testing should occur more frequently if any significant changes occur in the building’s water supply. Furthermore, for an open system, testing should be done quarterly. If there is an issue in your system, your Legionella risk assessment should advise how frequently testing should occur if the issue needs to be monitored. Testing is administered by taking a water sample and sending it to a lab through Legionella testing services.

Property owners are legally obligated to ensure the water in their building is safe. In addition, property owners should have a Legionella risk assessment plan to test for any outbreak. There are several services that may assist with streamlining this process.

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