Civil Law

court hearing

Strategies for Safeguarding Yourself from Physical Assault Allegations

Physical assault is a violent act that can result in serious bodily harm, injury, or even death. Common defenses used in assault cases include self-defense, accidental injury, insanity defense, lack of evidence, and provocation. It is crucial to avoid physical assault situations as much as possible by preventing arguments or confrontations. If you are charged […]

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Grayscale Photography of Woman Inside Jail

How To Create a Safe Space for People Facing Criminal Charges

Legal resources and assistance should be available to help individuals facing criminal charges navigate the system confidently. Setting clear physical boundaries and agreeing on topics off-limits in conversations is important to promote respect and understanding. Provide empathy and compassion while offering guidance and emotional support throughout the process. To promote personal growth, making time for

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someone underarrest

Proving Innocence and Avoiding Humiliation During an Arrest

Being falsely accused of a crime can be one of the most stressful moments in your life. You might feel scared and anxious, especially when thinking about your future. Proving your innocence will be difficult, especially if you have nothing but your testimony as evidence. However, this doesn’t mean that you don’t have an opportunity

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